Friday, October 21, 2011

Manuka Honey Acne - 3 Reasons Why Manuka Honey Drastically Heals Acne Scars, Pimples And Redness!

Honey is really an amazing substance. It's shelf life is forever, and it is full of vitamins, minerals and medicinal properties. Manuka honey in particular is just awesome for the treatment of acne fast! It's a little harder to find than some other types, but it's worth a try if you suffer from acne at any rate. Here are 4 reasons for the use of manuka honey:

1 It Moisturizes

Even if you do not get manuka honey to cure your acne, make sure to use moisturizer every day if possible. This helps to reduce dead skin cells that may have a clog your pores even more. Besides other properties, Manuka honey effective moisturizer.

2 It kills bacteria

Because of its high sugar and protein deficiency in honey, the bacteria in this environment will begin to die than when you apply. As most people know, the reduction of acne causing bacteria is useful for healing your skin.

3 It promotes new tissue growth

amino acids, vitamins and minerals will help renew skin cells and tissues at an astounding rate in comparison to many other skin treatments. This is also especially good for healing your scars.

Apply honey on your face may look strange at first, but you get used to it and see the results probably within a few days. Try to apply to your face 1 or 2 times a day and leave it on as many as you can to get the full benefit.

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